Global Coral Reef Week 2020 Is Happening July 1st to July 14th

Global Coral Reef Week is a virtual event where you can watch over 100 recorded talks by coral reef scientists and practitioners around the world. We love the idea of virtual conferences, especially for marine science as they provide opportunities…

First Live Photos of Rare Deepwater Grammatonotus xanthostigma

Grammatonotus xanthostigma is a new species of deepwater basslet that was recently described in 2017 after their discovery by technical divers Drs. Brian Greene and Rich Pyle in 2015. Despite its objective beauty both in shape, pattern and color, the…

Dr. Rocha is Treating us to some Delectable Anthias Photography

Anthias是quintessential reef fish which can occur in huge schools on shallow sunlit reefs. But anthias are also quite common in deeper reefs as well, these being species we rarely get to see, unless deep diving collectors go…

Luiz’s Snapshots: Odontanthias katayamai In Pohnpei

If you’ve read Reef Builders for any length of time then you know that in order to find the rarest, most colorful and interesting fish, you have to dive deep. Like really deep. That and be Dr. Luiz Rocha or one of…

Great New Pictures of BLUE Queen Angelfish from St. Paul’s Rock

The Queen Angelfish is one of the most iconic reef fish in the Caribbean Sea. It’s appearance has some regional variation throughout its range from Florida to Brazil, but there’s one place where the queen angels put on some very…

Sacura parva Pictured and Filmed Alive For The First Time

Sacura parva is a gorgeous little anthias that we’d only seen in pictures of dull, freshly dead preserved specimens. But thankfully, there’s a few intrepid ‘biofreaks’ like ourselves who actually leave the comfort of their armchair to bring us face…

疯狂的小Trimma物种在Ab拍摄yss of Palau

Take a moment to soak in the wild color and pattern of the rarely seen Trimma goby pictured above. This is the first time this fish has been seen in nearly twenty years, having been photographed by Dr. Luiz Rocha in…

The Truth About Yellow Tang Collecting in Hawaii

Along with the common clownfish, yellow tangs are one of the most iconic and familiar reef fish, on the reef and in our home aquariums. Because of this status there is a lot of attention paid to this species; it’s…

Understanding Ascension: The road less traveled

Situated along the mid-Atlantic ridge, the Ascension Islands is a place oozing with mystic charm and celestial voodoo. This far flung outcrop of volcanic rock has captivated the hearts and minds of intrepid explorers alike, all with the intention of unraveling…

Socotra is a convergence of hybrid reef fish

Socotra is a far flung island of the Western Indian Ocean which is incredibly hard to reach, and even harder to study underwater. A couple years back however, a team of researchers including California Academy of Sciences ichthyology curator and…