Lightning maroon clownfish from Blue Zoo Aquatics will be entrusted to an accomplished fishbreeder

The Lightning Maroon Clownfish from Papua New Guinea is the newest feather in the cap of the Seasmart Program and thanks to decisions being made at Blue Zoo Aquatics, the lightning maroon clownfish may eventually become a shining example of…

Lightning maroon clownfish from Papua New Guinea appears at Blue Zoo Aquatics

We can count the times we’ve seen the Lightning Maroon Clownfish with one hand. This new guy was recently shipped via Papua New Guinea’s SEASMART program. The SEASMART program benefits us, the aquarists, and the village fisherman who collected the…

Wicked lightning maroon clownfish emerges from the PNG

This magnificent maroon clownfish Premnas biaculeatus was recently caught in Papua New Guinea by famed fish collector Steve Robinson. As far as we know this individual is one of a kind but perhaps with more collections other similar specimens may…