Blue Skeleton Majestic Angelfish Is Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Seen!

Every now and then a very special reef fish that we’ll never forget pops up on our rare fish radar, and the ‘Blue Skeleton’ Majestic Angelfish is such an example. This sensational specimen of Pomacanthus navarchus made its way to East…

This Hybrid of Emperor and Annularis Angelfish is Downright Jawdropping

It’s been a very rich year for cool new, aberrant and hybrid angelfish and this offspring cross between an emperor angelfish and annularis angelfish is a very special fish indeed. Hybridization among angelfish can be common in some places, especially…

Leopard Multibar Angelfish is now in the best of hands

From where we’re standing, the Leopard Multibar Angelfish that was collected in Vanuatu about a month ago is just about one of the most sensational aberrant marine angelfish we’ve ever seen. This one of a kind fish could have gone…

Jimmy’s Ma’s incredible ‘Blue Monster’ coral beauty angelfish

Jimmy Ma is the undisputed connoisseur of unusual and aberrant Centropyge morphs. Over the years he’s shared with us his koi coral beauty, multicolor angel hybrid, a trio of Tigerpyge, and many many more. Among his impressive collection, the ‘Blue Monster’…

Black tailed Centropyge heraldi is just another one of numerous confusing variations

Centropyge heraldi is an unassuming yellow dwarf angelfish with a huge can of worms just waiting to be opened. When you do, you’ll probably want to break down and cry in confusion. Apart from the standard yellow dwarf angelfish, C.…

Hong Kong through Digiman’s eyes part 2: A hat-trick of ultra lemonpeel hybrids

This is a continuation of Digiman’s two-part Hong Kong travel experience. In part 1, we took a look at the collection of two renowned HK reefers, namely Dr. Chung and Jimma Ma. Here, we take a quick look at Digiman’s…

Hong Kong through Digiman’s eyes part 1: Legendary reefers Dr. Chung and Jimma Ma

Here’s another exciting Reef Builders travelogue showcasing the sights and adventures of the reefing scene in a foreign country. Like our Japan and Bangkok travelogues, we visit yet again another Asian country – the mystical land of Hong Kong. This…

Genicanthus bellus hybrid is a magnificent treasure from Bali

有罕见的鱼world, and then there are RARE fish; fish that are so remarkable that money cannot buy. This is the true treasure for any rare fish fanatic. While peppermint angels are hard to come by,…

Hybrid swallowtail angelfish has great potential for unexpected mature coloration

Another day and we have another hybrid angelfish to report. This particular specimen is a cross between swallowtail angelfish, Genicanthus lamarcki and G. melanospilos. Currently this hybrid swallowtail angelfish is of muted appearance, a nothing more than a curiosity to…

Tigerpyge trio are holding colors in aquarium life

It’s been far too long since we’ve featured a real nice hybrid angelfish morph so we thought to revisit the Tigerpyge living in Hong Kong. Three of them to be exact, living happily together in the aquarium of frequent contributor…