Charlene’s Anthias, Pseudanthias charlenae from Western New Guinea, Indonesia

Charlene’s anthias, Pseudanthias charlenae is a relatively newly described species of anthias which was first discovered in Cenderawasih Bay, western New Guinea during the big biodiversity exploration trip to the Bird’s Head Peninsula. The species like many others discovered around…

Liopropoma lunulatum brought up alive from the depths for the first time

Liopropoma lunulatum is the latest uber rarity to be collected from the depths of the Celebes Sea, right alongside that amazing Sacura speciosa we told you about earlier this week. This 4.5 inch fish was collected at a depth beyond…

Paracheilinus nursalim flasher wrasses from New Guinea

Paracheilinus nursalim is one of the new species of flasher wrasses from New Guinea which is still completely unknown in the aquarium world. Only described in 2008, both Paracheilinus nursalimwas discovered on the biological expedition to the Bird’s Head Peninsula…

Stubby-fin Fairy Wrasse in Alor Indonesia is probably a new species

There is a distinctive and unusual looking fairy wrasse lurking around Alor in the Lesser Sunda Islands of Indonesia. The unusual wrasse is most likely an undescribed species of Cirrhilabrus which has a dorsal fin that is unlike any other…

French aquarists from All Marine travel to Indonesia to film zoanthids in their natural habitat

All Marine is a progressive reef aquarium operation in France with a special connection to some coral collection sites in Indonesia. Since several of their staff are crazy for zoanthids, on their last collecting trip they made a special effort…

Pictichromis dinar, a new bicolor dottyback species from Sulawesi

Pictichromis dinar is a new species of Pseudochromis discovered in the Western Gulf of Tomini, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Although we’ve seen Pictichromis dinar in person on a couple occasions over the last 18 months, the species was only recently described by…

Indonesia to set quotas on coral trade

This week Indonesia announced plans to begin setting quotas on coral trade in an effort to preserve its coral reefs. The country has seen the negative impact of destructive fishing, tourism, climate change and coral trading on its precious reefs…