Rare double fin firefish makes its way to House of Fins

A rare double-finned common firefish has just made its way to the aquarium hobby and it’s quite the attention grabber. If there’s one thing that firefish are well known for, it’s that prominent first dorsal fin. So you can imagine…

House of Fins 58th anniversary SPLASH sale this weekend in Greenwich CT

The House of Fins anniversary SPLASH sale is our annual excuse to share a gallery of exceptionally rare reef fish. In 2015 the infamous House of Fins or ‘HOF’ will be celebrating its 58th year in business with a huge…

Rare marine fish aplenty at House of Fins SPLASH 2012

If House of Fins hadn’t already made their mark on the marine aquarium world with their annual SPLAS anniversary sale, this year’s event proved to be quite the fertile place for spotting (and buying) exotic reef fish. Whereas previous years…

House of Fins has another amazing SPLASH event coming up this weekend


Bluefin lionfish among the awesome rare fish at House of Fins annual SPLASH sale

As in years past, House of Fins’ annual SPLASH sale yielded lots of awesome rare fish, and there were many exciting first imports. In addition to the tigertail coral beauty and that crazy Mauritius triggerfish, there was the token gem…

现在,’s what you call a tigertail coral beauty angelfish

这款Tigertail Coral Beauty Anselfish的照片并不容易,因为毛里求斯的Centropyge Bispinosa是一条活跃的鱼。值得庆幸的是,这种珊瑚美是一个宽敞而漫画的标本,具有令人惊叹的颜色,值得…

Two great aquarium stores in Greenwich CT having big annual sales this weekend

House of Fins and Greenwich Aquaria are two of the finest retail aquarium stores in the country which we have written about extensively over the years – only LiveAquaria and Old Town Aquarium do as much shaking down of rare…

Mauritian Triggerfish, Rhinecanthus cinereus, Lands at House of Fins

Although the genus Rhinecanthus contains seven known species, the so-called “Mauritian Triggerfish” has not, to our knowledge, been imported into the U.S. before. House of Fins of Greenwich, CT secured this colorful specimen, and will have it on hand for…


Seems like just a few months ago, I was comfortably rat-holed in my souless, financial-sector job, using every spare second to play with, or plot about my aquariums, writing my weekly rants on all things saltwater, or traveling to speaking gigs and…

Jake Adams visits House of Fins Summer Sale, giving “Reef Builders Live” presentation

我们自己的杰克·亚当斯(Jake Adams)本周末将访问芬斯(Fins)的房子,参加康涅狄格州格林威治(Greenwich)的夏季销售和演讲者活动。