3D: New trends in underwater HD photography

一些3 d摄影tories out of the annual CES (Consumer Electronic Show) gadget-fest in Las Vegas are giving us great hope at the future of underwater HD photography for the consumer. The technology of 3D photography has advanced,…

Candy Basslet: Hi Def video for a Hi Def reef fish

Candy basslet, Liopropoma carmabi, original high definition video. What can we say about another gem of a fish which we filmed in one of the numerous display tank at LiveAquaria? Don’t forget to click on the “HD” button.

Tigerpyge Hybrid Angelfish caught on HD video

Please direct uour attention to the high definition video above of the fantabulous lemonpeel x eibli hybrid pictured above who is affectionately called the Tigerpyge. The High Definition footage will fill the lingering emptyness in your soul which yearns to…