Video of Ribbon Reefs shows part of the scale of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef

[vimeo width=”680″ height=”400″][/vimeo] If mondays are great occasion for exciting stories, edge of your seat kind of stories then it seems suitable to go out on Friday with something more mellow, such as this tranquil clip of the Ribbon Reefs.…

Coral Sea Commonwealth Marine Reserve set to be the world’s largest marine park

The Australian government just announced plans to create a marine reserve park covering nearly 1 million square kilometers (385,000 square miles) of the Coral Sea that includes the Great Barrier Reef. Once opened, the Coral Sea Commonwealth Marine Reserve will…

AIMS to take a closer, scientific look at damage to GBR from Chinese Tanker

We all can pretty much figure out the Chinese tanker that got caught up on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef did some massive damage; exactly what the ecological damage done is the current focus of a research team led by the…

Chinese Tanker runs aground near Great Barrier Reef

A tanker ship filled with 950 tons of oil and 65 thousand tons of coal has run aground 70 miles east of Great Keppel Island, northeast of Australia. Some oil has leaked from the vessel already, and authorities fear the…

Great Barrier Reef marine reserves aiding in reef’s health

A new study was just released showing positive effects from the use of marine reserves on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef benefiting the overall health and resilience of the fragile marine ecosystem. The research found rapid increases in fish and some…

Census of Marine Life discovers many more new species on the Great Barrier Reef

The Census of Marine Life has been diggin up new species all over the place and in this latest run they’ve ballooned the number of species known from a single area of the Great Barrier Reef. The newly discovered species…