Choosing What To Keep In A Saltwater Aquarium

What To Keep There are many interesting animals which can be kept in a saltwater aquarium. What to keep depends on your experience level, tank size, and equipment setup. Make a wishlist of fish and corals you would like to…

Artificial Decorations for Aquariums

False Coral decorations can really brighten up the background of any FOWLR (fish only with live rock) aquarium or quarantine system. Whether your pets like to eat your corals or you do not want the extra maintenance of a reef…

Down to One Marine Aquarium—and So Far I’m Loving It!

在相当长的一段时间内,我至少有两个海洋aquariums up and running—a 75-gallon reef tank and a 125-gallon FOWLR tank. As regular Saltwater Smarts visitors know, that 75-gallon tank had become something of a thorn in my side.…

What to Consider when Converting a Fish-only Tank to a Reef System

“Caribbean Chris” and I are very frequently asked what it takes to convert a fish-only marine aquarium to a reef system containing corals and other sessile invertebrates. Can you just go ahead and add the invertebrates? Can you modify the…

Chaetodon kleinii: An Excellent Beginner’s Butterflyfish

The word “beginner” and “butterflyfish” aren’t often paired together, as so many of the butterflyfishes seem to present some manner of husbandry challenge, often related to diet. Still, certain butterflies have a well-deserved reputation for hardiness and general ease of…

Peter Martis’ FOWLR tank is a healthy example of a butterflyfish paradise

我们不经常功能完全blown FOWLR tanks but when we do, you know it’s going to be awesome. Peter Martis’ butterflyfish dominated FOWLR tank features a myriad of butterflyfish species in the absolute pink of health. Butterflyfish are almost…

Marine Aquarium Acronyms: FOWLR Tank Defined

Marine aquarium hobbyists do love their acronyms—SW, SG, SPS, LPS, BB, HO, VHO, DOC, LR, LFS, and RO/DI to list but a few. There are so many of them floating around out there on aquarium forums and in hobby literature…

Want to Set Up a Saltwater Aquarium? Get Started Here.

So, you’ve decided you’d like to set up a saltwater aquarium—a little slice of ocean right in your own living space. We’d like to congratulate you and bid you fond welcome to a very rewarding hobby! Now, where to begin?…

Current USA Satellite+ LEDs are an affordable solution for fish only systems

The new Current-USA Satellite + LEDs might not break any coral growing records, it probably couldn’t even keep any corals alive, but it at their affordable pricing they just might be a great solution for fish only systems. The Current USA Satellite…

Chris Campbell’s fish tank is a welcome throwback to the days of pure fish keeping.

Once upon a time, fish keeping was the main event of the marine aquarium hobby and invertebrates and corals were barely even a fringe; had blogging been developed earlier this site would have been called ‘Fish Keepers’ or something like…