
Cantharellus is a genus of Fungiid coral that you’ve probably never heard of, but which is actually kind of really common and widespread on reefs around the world. Whereas the majority of disc corals that we get for our aquariums…

Reefing like it’s 1993: One Acropora becomes three

下面的文章是或iginally published in Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Magazine more than 20 years ago and is reproduced here with permission from the author, Tony Vargas. This is surely one of the first articles ever on propagating stony corals.…

Want to tour Fiji for 10 days with Walt Smith? Head to MACNA for chance to win dream trip raffle

Being able to head to Fiji for 10 days is a reefers dream alone. Now add onto that the ability to not only meet Walt Smith but tour the WSI facility, take a dive on the coral farm and just…

Marine Life of Fiji and Tonga is the ultimate video for reef life identification

Marine Life of Fiji and Tonga is a new DVD by Josh Jensen and Liz Harlin which is loaded with video footage of reef life. The DVD set is comprised of 77 chapters and three and a half hours of…

Sustainable Aquatics Introduces Captive-Bred Sunkist Clowns

The Sunkist Clownfish is a naturally occurring variety of the pink skunk clownfish, Amphiprion perideraion. I’ve been extolling the importance of understanding and appreciating the wild geographic variants of our clownfish species for a couple years now, so you might understand the excitement…

Fiji Hypercolor Zoanthids have a wild range of colors

Eye Catching Coral just sent over some pictures of a Fiji Zoanthid discovered with wildly colored tentacles. Like the Hypercolor shirts from the nineties, these Fiji Zoanthids have an indeterminate color pattern which extends from the mouth, to the oral disc…

We need more digital ‘self-reporting’ like Walt Smith Fiji’s videos of hand caught fish collection

Walt Smith Fiji has recently uploaded a series of short videos showing some expert divers cautiously and effectively wrangling up fish along the reefs using on a net. Not only is the skill involved with capturing these fish with a…

Pomacentrus maafu is Tonga and Fiji’s newest species of damselfish

Pomacentrus maafu is a new species of damselfish which was described from almost 200 fish from Fiji and Tonga. Closely related to Pomacentrus moluccensis from the West Pacific Ocean, Pomacentrus maafu is almost identical in shape and merisitic counts, but it was differentiated…

HD dive videos of Fiji and Tonga are spectacular

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcbHKAWIk3I&list=PL1C4AD42C17C72630&feature=plcp[/youtube] If you’re a fan of diving videos you must check this one out. This time there is no focus on rare fish nor rare corals, but instead, the video above of Fiji and Tonga showcases some of the best…

Cirrhilabrus nahackyi is a new species of labrid similar to the hooded fairy wrasse

Cirrhilabrus sp. 1, known commonly as the Nahacky’s fairy wrasse, has been officially described by Dr. Hiroyuki Tanaka and Fenton Walsch in the latest issue from the International Journal of ichthyology as Cirrhilabrus nahackyi. For a while now the “used-to-be-undesrcibed”…