Fauna Marin Multi Reference is a Standard for Much More Than Salinity

Multi Reference by Fauna Marin is the first product of its kind that helps reefers really dial in their chemistry, by testing the tests. WhereTwo Little Fishies’ AccuraSea and Brightwell Aquatics’ Refractometer Calibration Standard are only references for salinity, and very…

Fauna Marin Soft Multi Mix Fish Food

柔软的多混合是Fauna Marin的一种新食物混合物,不仅是一种食物,而且是各种各样的配方。Fauna Marin的鱼和珊瑚颗粒食品以其品质而闻名,是由…制造的

珊瑚Sprint Is A New ‘Bacterioplankton’ Coral Food By Fauna Marin

Fauna Marin以制作巨大的珊瑚食品目录而闻名,如今,他们在该名单中添加了另一种喂食选择。Coral Sprint是Fauna Marin的最新珊瑚食品,被称为高级级…

Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Balls Now Available in US

The Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Balls that were on display at MACNA and are now available in the US market. Unlike other solid carbon dosing products like bio pellets, the Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Balls are bacteria-based probiotic in a…

AquaScape Fix by Fauna Marin is a completely new type of ‘glue’

Aquascape修复是一种有趣的新含水材料,与我们以前见过的任何东西不同。Fauna Marin的新材料与浓稠的超级胶凝胶和两个部分环氧树脂不同,这几乎是…

Labor Test: Fauna Marin launches its mail-in water testing service

劳动测试是Fauna Marin对邮寄水测试日益普及的回答,尤其是ICP先驱者Triton Lab提供的元素诊断。与Triton双重水测试信封形成鲜明对比的是,动物群Marin劳动测试…

Fauna Marin Seawater Research Lab to offer mail-off water testing

Fauna Marin and GHL have teamed up to distribute their marine aquarium products in the USA themselves. The new venture called CM Distributors after the founders Claude Schuhmacher of Fauna Marin and Matthias Groß of GHL, is based in Connecticut and…

Fauna Marin的礁石活力海洋有机物

Fauna Marin的礁石活力海洋有机物is one of the more interesting additives on display at MACNA. With so much attention placed on nitrifying/denitrifying bacteria and carbon dosing, Reef Vitality Marine Organics takes things in a different direction with a focus…

Fauna Marin’s Soft Clownfish Food and Marin Soft Protect

Fauna Marine showed off two new foods at MACNA 2013, Soft Clownfish Food and Marin Soft Protect. Soft Clownfish Food is geared towards, you guessed it, clownfish. While there are plenty of foods available to focus on increasing the orange and…

Boris Bielan’s Azoox system is 800 gallons of non-photosynthetic coral heaven

There are azoox aquariums and then there are massive azoox aquariums. At a little over 13 feet long by 39 inches by 26 inches, Bories Bielan’s azoox system falls into the latter category. Based on scale alone this is perhaps…