‘Blacktip’ Hammer Coral is a Wild Color Pattern

There was a time when most of us were certainly very content to see any Euphyllia coral in a bright shade of green, but the last fifteen years have revealed a rainbow of colors we never knew existed. More discerning collections…

CITES Europe to Discuss Restrictions on Australian Corals

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species will meet on December 3rd to discuss the collection and export of certain hard coral species from Australia.

Five Australian Coral Species Spawned in Captive Environment

Australian collectors are increasingly joining the charge to conserve coral reefs. While the Queensland based coral collector Inter-Fish Pty Ltd (australiancorals.com.au) is a quiet achiever of the Australian coral collection industry, they just could not help but share their good…

Hammer Coral Bouquet from OceanPets

About a a month ago we were sent a sampler of choice Australian corals by our old pal, Zach Lin who is currently collecting corals for OceanPets in Australia. This precious cargo from the middle of the Great Barrier Reef…


Orange hammer corals have become all the rage since Australian coral exports first began, and we now can enjoy nearly all colors of the rainbow from green to ‘toxic green’ to orange, peachy, and even some shades of purple. However…

Batas Kota City Border – Coral Spotting in Northern Sulawesi

巴塔斯·科塔(Batas Kota) - 珊瑚发现巴塔斯·科塔(Batas Kota)是马纳多市边界上令人难以置信的珊瑚斑点潜水地点。该地点位于距马纳多湾海岸线的Murex Manado度假胜地五分钟的车程。尽管…

Fimbriaphyllia: Hammer, Torch & Frogspawn Corals Might Be More Different Than Anyone Thought

Euphyllia Corals是一个非常多样化的群体,这已经不是什么秘密了,看来其中一些物种可能与我们想象的彼此不同。我们看到了…的每种形式范围


巴厘岛Aquarium has just released pictures of a truly fantastic looking Euphyllia coral. The tentacles are a perfect blend of a hammer coral, Euphyllia ancora, and a frogspawn coral, Euphyllia divisa, which is not that uncommon to see in some branching Euphyllia,…

This giant hammer coral IS the aquascape!

The giant aquarium-grown wall hammer coral at Neptune’s Tropical Fish has been a reef aquarium institution in the Denver area for nearly two decades. Generations of new and seasoned reefers have made the pilgrimage to this humble aquarium store on…

Euphyllia ancora, the wall hammer is the coral of the year

Some years of the reef keeping hobby bring us new varieties and new species of corals for us to enjoy, but in 2013, the wall hammer was incredibly well represented across the globe. Euphyllia ancora, the wall hammer coral with the…