Behold the Aquatic Art Splatoon Chalice Coral

No matter how you look at the new Aquatic Art Splatoon Chalice coral, its color and pattern is really bordering on truly unbelievable. If we hadn’t seen and photographed this coral in person, we wouldn’t believe it either and it’s…

The LPS Coral Paradise Aquarium of Michael Rice

Michael Rice is a local Colorado reef aquarist with a picture perfect reef tank of LPS corals. His 30 gallon aquarium is absolutely packed with gorgeous, healthy and very colorful fleshy corals, with an arrangement of chalice corals on the…

The Bomb-Bomb chalice from Titan Corals

The reef aquarium hobby might be drooling over shrooms right now, but spectacular chalice corals are still being discovered that can turn even the most jaded of heads. The Bomb-Bomb chalice coral is a spectacular Echinophyllia from Titan Corals which will keep…

New Melting Pot Chalice coral displayed by World Wide Corals

The Melting Pot Chalice coral took the reef world by storm when it first surfaced, and it’s been a while since we’ve seen a reasonable contender for that Melting Pot title. Thankfully, World Wide Corals had an incredible and large…

A selection of Echinophyllia chalice corals from the Solomon Islands

就爱好而言,nearly all of the stupid-awesome colored chalice corals are basically only found in Indonesia. Australia throws out some winners here and there but by and large, Indo is where it’s at when it…

Convict chalice Echinophyllia documented in its natural habitat

Convict chalice corals are specimens of Echinophyllia plating colonies with a very distinctive series of stripes running usually from the edge of the oral disc (mouth) to the colonie’s edges. The lines of convict chalice corals can be very dark, or…

邪恶的独眼杯珊瑚的110英尺Kwajalein Atoll

While on a deep dive on the ocean side of Kwajalein Atoll, we came face to face with a pair of chalice corals with a striking look unlike any we have seen in aquariums, or in the wild. With a…

Echinophyllia tarae, a new species of chalice coral discovered off the beaten path

Seems like we are treated to new species of reef fish on a regular basis but new descriptions of stony and soft corals are much fewer and far between. The latest of these coral discoveries is Echinophyllia tarae, a new species…

Rainbow Chalice corals are now officially a thing

Rainbow Chalice corals of the genus Echinophyllia have arrived, in America at least, as evidenced by the recent bumper crop of multicolor chalice coral colonies at several of the country’s specialist coral vendors. The coral slingers at Detroit Coral Farms worked very…

World Wide Corals’ Pink Floyd chalice coral will leave you comfortably numb

The Pink Floyd chalice corals is a hot new Echinophyllia from World Wide Corals which is sure to be one of the biggest new collectible strains of aquarium LPS. Sharing a lot in common with the original Watermelon Alien Eye chalice coral…