The Nishi Chalice, Echinomorpha nishihiroi, is One Rare Coral

Words like that are used to describe the relative abundance of corals like ‘rare’ have all but lost any meaning in the aquarium hobby because it gets thrown around so much. But if there’s one holy grail coral species among all…

Fireball Echinomorpha Just Might Burn Your Retinas

Over the last decade the hobby has collectively handled tens of thousands of Mycedium, Oxypora, and Echinophyllia colonies and strains. We’re probably starting to deplete the truly novel colors and patterns within these species but thankfully, we’re just beginning to explore the diversity of Echinomorpha.…

Echinomorpha Like You’ve Never Seen It Before

Even if you’re into chalice corals and consider yourself a connoisseur of Echinophyllia Mycedium and Oxypora, there’s still a pretty good chance you don;t know or don’t have an Echinomorpha. With only one species in the genus, Echinomorpha is kind of an odd…

Some Refreshingly Exotic LPS Corals From Pacific East Aquaculture

At any given time in the marine aquarium hobby, the community’s attention tends to focus one a particular group of corals, hyping up their demand and balooning their prices. This phenomenon is a double edged sword in that right now,…

Reefmaster Indonesia scores one of the wildest Echinomorpha

Ok so these pictures from Reefmaster Indonesia may be a little ‘juiced’, but there’s no denying that this is one of the wildest Echinomorpha chalice corals we’ve ever seen. And that’s saying a lot since Echinomorpha already has a tendency…

This Echinomorpha from Gonzo puts the genus on the map

It’s been a mild year for super crazy chalice coral colors and strains so it was inevitable that some colony would show up and take our breath away. This super wacky colored chalice corals comes to us from Gonzo’s Coral…

Pictures of cool cryptic corals from the Flores Sea

When we get corals through the regular distribution channels, we are at the mercy of the coral collectors in Indonesia and the Pacific Ocean as to what corals they collect, and most often these will be known species that are…

Evil one-eyed chalice coral sighted at 110 feet in Kwajalein Atoll

While on a deep dive on the ocean side of Kwajalein Atoll, we came face to face with a pair of chalice corals with a striking look unlike any we have seen in aquariums, or in the wild. With a…

Echinomorpha nishihirai is the latest wild chalice coral to be sighted

Echinomorpha nishihirai is a distinctive looking chalice coral which can be quite a showstopper. Often eclipsed by the much more readily available Echinophyllia, Oxypora and Mycedium chalice corals, Echinomorpha is distinguished by a prominent, large central corallite and very few, widely…