Can You Test for Fish Diseases? AquaBiomics Thanks So!

If it weren’t for pests and diseases, keeping a saltwater fish aquarium or reef tank would be so much easier. Fish parasites, coral parasites, and even clam pests can present a real setback to having a thriving saltwater aquarium environment and…

Fish Got Ich? Kick It With Fritz FixIck

Fritz Fixick是一种革命性的新方法,用于治疗包括Ick,Chilodonella,Trichodina和Tetrahymena在内的水生外部寄生虫。作为最常见的疾病之一,大多数水族基督会遇到,找到一种简单,安全且高效的iCk治疗可能很困难。弗里茨…

Some Parasites can Only be Treated With Medicated Food

In the world of saltwater fish and as far as keeping them in reef tanks, a very small handful of disease dominates the collective conversation. The primary piscine ailments that we discuss are really the ones we can see including…

How to Set Up a Simple and Effective Quarantine Aquarium

Quarantine, quarantine, quarantine – this word get a lot of lip service in the saltwater aquarium hobby but too few of us really practice this important procedure, let alone undertake it properly. Even many of the fish stores we’ve visited…

How To Set Up A Simple & Effective Quarantine Tank


Catch It Early! PolypLab Launches Marine Ich Awareness Campaign

Marine Ich is undeniably one of the most deadly marine aquarium diseases our tropical saltwater fish have to face in captivity. It’s a big deal not because it’s particularly lethal, but because there’s simply so much misinformation about this ubiquitous…

The Marine Aquarist’s Greatest Asset

If someone were to ask you (perhaps with a gun held to your head, as is so often the case in these hypothetical scenarios) to identify the one thing that no aspiring marine aquarist should be without, what would your…

5 Myths About Marine Quarantine Tanks

Quarantine tanks are often discussed/written about as though they require very little effort, planning, or expense. Just dust off that 10-gallon plastic “critter keeper” sitting on the shelf, fill it with salt water, drop in a heater and sponge filter,…

Fish Health Through Slime

Fish diseases—they are the meat of fish forums and the subject that takes up the most ink (or whatever causes words to form on a computer screen), so for today’s post, I am going to discuss fish immunity in relation…

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are! 5 Reasons Marine Fish Go Into Hiding
