The Blue Pufferfish Is Even More Colorful When Small

A Blue Pufferfish might seem like a mythical creature but there is in fact at least one real fish which lays claim to the name. The pelagic porcupine puffer, Diodon hystrix, is a mysterious fish that is a gorgeous steely blue…

This porcupine puffer refused to abandon its dying kin

When we first saw this video, we had no idea what those crazy Japanese divers were looking at. Once the subject of the filming became clear, our eyes could not believe what this porcupine pufferfish was doing. Pictured in the…

Blue Pelagic Porcupine puffer, Diodon eydouxii, shows up at Absolutely Fish

The striking blue juvenile pelagic porcupinefish above was recently acquired by Absolutely Fish in a shipment from Bali. The pelagic porcupine fish is not a an aquarium fish you hear about everyday, precisely because they are more ocean going than…