Guide to Caribbean Coral Identification
Guide to Caribbean Coral Identification Hi there, my name is Nicole and I am in love with coral! I want to inspire scuba divers to explore the reef with new eyes by taking a closer look at corals. I have created…
America & Cuba, sitting in a tree, Gramma dejongi for you & me

The leader of the free world, President Barack Obama, just announced a shift in United States policy with the Caribbean island nation of Cuba which has been sanctioned by the American government for more than half a century. The sanctions…

Green Gramma sp. found deep below the Cuban water surface

As mentioned in my previous post, we decided to take the plunge to see ‘something special’ in the deep waters of La Boca, near Trinidad, Cuba. In relatively shallow waters, say from 10 meters and deeper, the first Gramma loreto…

Diving in Cuba and enjoying a lionfish barbecue with collectors of Gramma dejongi

I like travelling and diving nearly as much as reefing. These hobbies combine often bring me to great places. Although I currently do not keep any Grammas in my reef, I do love them a lot. When I saw Gramma dejongi for…

Gardens of the Queen in Cuba covered by 60 Minutes, prime example of what reef conservation can do

女王的花园是一个珊瑚礁coast of Cuba that may very well be one of the most healthy and vibrant reefs in the Caribbean. Coral growth at gardens of the Queen is abundant, large…

New videos of Gramma dejongi to tantalize your reef buds

[youtube][/youtube] Gramma dejongi is the perciform embodiment for the phrase “so close, yet so far”. The canary yellow basslet with purple pelvic fins is a startling contrast that will surely liven and brighten up any reef tank. That is, if you…

Gramma dejongi video in high resolution

[youtube width=”640″ height=”385″][/youtube] Gramma dejongi is one of the most sensational fish to hit the marine aquarium hobby in years and although hardly no one yet has their own, this video ought to keep us satiated that much longer. The…

Gramma dejongi, an exciting new deepwater gramma from Cuba

Gramma dejongi is a spankin new reef fish species that was discovered by Dejong Marinelife from some shipments of aquarium fish from Cuba. The new Gramma dejongi species has been kept under wraps by Dejong while awaiting formal description by…