Ceramics Artist Creates Best of British Reefing Design

Everyone wants a great-looking aquascape and these bespoke ceramic pieces by British artist Colin Denovan certainly caught my eye. He’s been doing stuff with art and ceramics for over twenty years but started creating his own aquarium pieces and now commissions, only recently.

The Reefstock 2010 Aquascaping Design: Lessons learned and a Victory for the Road Less Travelled

Reeftock 2010 is now a pleasant memory. The aquascaping “ Throwdown” between myself and my new BFF, Freshwater “Iron Aquascaper” John Ciotti, was a smashing success, bringing aquascaping to the forefront of the marine hobby world, if only for a…

Tear Down The Wall! Re-imagining rockwork for a new century

One of the biggest problems for most hobbyists when incorporating live rock into their display is figuring out how much live rock needs to be used. In the “old days”, it was thought that you needed up to a “few…