红海DipX Coral Induction Bath Announced


Reef Primer Demonstrated to Effectively Treat ‘Brown Jelly’ Ciliates

Euphyllia(and Fimbriaphyllia) are unquestionably some of the most beautiful and popular aquarium corals and they are unlikely to get unseated any time soon. These fleshy, flowy, colorful corals are fast growing and incredibly hardy in the aquarium but there’s…

Aquaforest’s new AF Protect Dip for treating your corals

AF Protect Dip is a new coral dip from Aquaforest that like other products, helps disinfect, clean and treat your corals when adding new corals, fragging or treating health issues. As a prophylactic dip, it will clean the surface of the…


Brightwell游泳发布a pair of herbal treatments for corals, FragRecover and KoralRecover. Brightwell FragRecover is an all-natural frag dip to help accelerate coral recovery and growth from the stress of fragging. It helps stimulate the regrowth of tissue after…

Koral MD From Brightwell Aquatics in Regular and Professional Strength

Koral MD is a new coal dip by Brightwell Aquatics which should fit right in along the classic Revive and CoralRX that we’re used to. Based on citrus, pine and lavender extracts, Koral MD is based on a proven formula…

What Are Acropora Eating Flatworms And How To Treat Them

Acropora Eating Flatworms (AEFW) are an SPS reefers nightmare. One day you can go from a pristine reef to a fully blown out plague just by introducing them with one coral. Amakusaplana acroporae, Acro eating flatworms, are species of flatworm…

珊瑚Typhoon Made a Washing Machine for Coral Dips

If you’ve been trading corals for any length of time now, you probably already know how easy it is to get coral coodies, pests, and parasites. Therefore all reefers are encouraged to dip most corals before introduction to the tank…

Acropora for Beginners

With the introduction of more aquaculture and mariculture facilities, there has been a boom in specimens available at the local fish stores these days. But I will say for certain that if you can get a frag from a successful…

Can Reef Primer really save corals from bacterial infections?

I saved one really, really nice Blastomussa from infection using Reef Primer and it’s gotten me really curious. Can Reef Primer really be used to save some of these corals that are notorious at coming down with aggressive bacterial infections?…

How to thoroughly quarantine your Corals

With just about every endeavor success breeds new challenges. As I have already noted in several articles, with the improved success we have now achieved in keeping just about every type of coral and invertebrate long-term we are now seeing…