Orange Eye Convict Chalice Coral

As soon as they became known about, convict chalices with a network of fine lines became one of the most highly sought after strains of Echinophyllia corals. Most of the convict chalice corals are a single, solid color such as the…

Rainbow Chalice Motherlode Part 2

There’s nothing that can get a coral collector’s heart racing like seeing one beautiful colony of rainbow chalice coral. So you can imagine my sincere shock when I discovered another ‘secret stash’ of rainbow colored Echinophyllia after visiting VP Corals in…

Rainbow Chalice Motherlode Part 1: VP Corals in Taipei, Taiwan

Chalice corals of the Echinophyllia genus are easily some of the most colorful, brilliant and highly sought after corals for reef aquariums. Last year while I was in Taiwan I connected with a reefer in Taipei who’s specialized in acquiring these…

The Ludicrous Chalice Is Out Of This World

Last week an insane piece of Chalice came up from Indonesia. It’s like nothing we have ever encountered so far. This Unique piece collected by Bali aquarium somewhere in the Java Sea, was quickly snapped by Sea Dwelling Creatures. The…

Fireball Echinomorpha Just Might Burn Your Retinas

Over the last decade the hobby has collectively handled tens of thousands of Mycedium, Oxypora, and Echinophyllia colonies and strains. We’re probably starting to deplete the truly novel colors and patterns within these species but thankfully, we’re just beginning to explore the diversity of Echinomorpha.…

Behold the Aquatic Art Splatoon Chalice Coral

No matter how you look at the new Aquatic Art Splatoon Chalice coral, its color and pattern is really bordering on truly unbelievable. If we hadn’t seen and photographed this coral in person, we wouldn’t believe it either and it’s…

Echinomorpha Like You’ve Never Seen It Before

Even if you’re into chalice corals and consider yourself a connoisseur of Echinophyllia Mycedium and Oxypora, there’s still a pretty good chance you don;t know or don’t have an Echinomorpha. With only one species in the genus, Echinomorpha is kind of an odd…

The LPS Coral Paradise Aquarium of Michael Rice

Michael Rice is a local Colorado reef aquarist with a picture perfect reef tank of LPS corals. His 30 gallon aquarium is absolutely packed with gorgeous, healthy and very colorful fleshy corals, with an arrangement of chalice corals on the…

Echinophyllia bulbosa & E. gallii, Two New Species of Chalice Corals from the Indian Ocean

The diversity of chalice corals in the aquarium hobby is already very high but now we’ve got two new species to add to that lineup. Echninophyllia gallii and E. bulbosa are two new recently described species of chalice corals from the Indian Ocean, the…

The Bomb-Bomb chalice from Titan Corals

The reef aquarium hobby might be drooling over shrooms right now, but spectacular chalice corals are still being discovered that can turn even the most jaded of heads. The Bomb-Bomb chalice coral is a spectacular Echinophyllia from Titan Corals which will keep…