Hydor Seltz D Pump Review: the Best Value in Controllable Flow

The Seltz D line of controllable AC pumps are Hydor’s latest new product category for use on a wide range of fresh and saltwater aquarium applications. It’s only the second company to develop and release a controllable return pump that…

MRC Teases New Forthcoming High Performance Pump

My Reef Creation aka MRC is one of the aquarium world’s most esteemed fabricators of high end and commercial aquarium equipment. For two decades MRC has been setting a high bar for protein skimmers, calcium reactors, sumps and lots of…

Five New Products Shaping The Future Of Reef Tanks Part 4: Smart Controllable Pumps

If there’s one thing that is inherently different about water pumps we’re using today compared to ten years ago, it’s the explosion of direct current and controllable water pumps. Propeller pumps from Tunze and Ecotech Marine have always been of…

Syncra Advanced; Sicce made their best pumps even better

The Syncra Advanced is the next generation of centrifugal water pumps from Sicce, one of the long time leaders in water pump technology. Not to be confused with the new controllable Sicce Syncra SDC water pumps, the Syncra Advanced is quite…

Tunze Turbelle E Jets feature sound deadening magnet holder

These Tunze E jets have been out for a while now but we haven’t covered them yet…we thought we might do you the honor. These Tunze E-Jets are centrifugal pumps meaning they use up to 50% less energy consumption of…