ORA’s captive bred Randall’s assessor is the only way you’re gonna get this fish

There’s not a lot of options for schooling fish in a reef tank but besides cardinalfish and anthias, the Assessors make arguably one of the best choice for small colorful open water swimmers. We’ve already lavished heaps of praise for Randall’s…

ORA captive bred Randall’s Assessor coming soon

Randall’s Assessor has only been available in the U.S. in limited numbers and sporadic shipments for what seems like barely a year but ORA is already on the ball with another first. Since they already held the title for first…

来自日本的爱:Japanese angelfish, Randall’s assessor and crescent-tail fairy wrasse

Route 66 Marine is well known for being a balling coral supplier but as of late they’ve been getting more and more into the rare and unusual marinelife. First it was the true personifer angelfish, Chaetodontoplus personifer, then the Lennard’s…