The Use of Negative Space in the Reef Aquarium Aquascape

One of the more interesting developments in the reefkeeping hobby, in my opinion, has nothing to do with the latest, greatest gadget or advance in water-quality-management methodology. Rather, it’s an evolving aesthetic in aquascaping. Bored with the traditional monolithic stack…

Avoid These 5 Live Rock Aquascaping Pitfalls

Your long-anticipated live rock shipment has finally arrived at your doorstep, and you can’t wait to get it in your tank and start watching as life emerges from those gnarly chunks. Though you’re understandably eager to forge ahead putting the…

RedBonsai Treescape is the latest masterpiece from Filipe Oliveira

You may not have heard of Filipe Oliveira but undoubtedly you’ve seen in his work countless times in aquascaping publications. Mr. Oliveira rocked the aquascaping world in 2008 with his first bonsai tree aquascape which looked so supernatural that it seemed…

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Aquascaping is one of the most time consuming and frustrating part of building your aquarium. Get it right and you are loving it. Get it wrong and you start wondering if you will ever have your hand outside the aquarium.…

We are getting creamed in the aquascaping department

I love aquariums so much, it doesn’t matter what kind of tank it is, as long as someone’s put some Love into it, it shows. As hard as we work and fiddle with and try to perfect our reef aquariums,…

Simple Tips for Effective Marine Aquarium Aquascaping

Since we launched Saltwater Smarts, we’ve been sprinkling the term “aquascaping” into our posts with reckless abandon. While many of you seasoned salties out there might be well acquainted with this term, others may find themselves scratching their heads each…

6建议选择对吗t-Sized Tank for Saltwater Fish


Reef Aquascaping, why hasn’t the movement really caught on yet?

Aquascaping, the art of creating asthetically pleasing underwater worlds is widely popular in the freshwater hobby, but it hasn’t exactly caught on within the saltwater industry. There are plenty of amazing, well thought out reef aquariums out there that put…

Marco Rocks Smart Start Live takes the pests outta live rock

Marco Rocks’ Key Largo reef rock is a great dry alternative to live rocks in a tank giving you nearly all the benefits of live rock, except the life. That is about to change with the introduction of the Marco…

Oliver Knott displays extreme aquascaping creativity in the Anubias booth and all over InterZoo

Any saltwater aquarists who’s been keeping fish or corals for some time knows that the freshwater aquarists have us trumped when it comes to making beautiful displays of aquarium nature. Most of this exposure to freshwater planted aquariums will be…