仔细观察华丽的白色酒吧anthias,pseudanthias leucozonus


Unprecedented close up look at Odontanthias katayamai on video

我们第一次看这部有关Odontanthias katayamai的新视频使我们的心脏触动了一点。就像以前的O. katayamai的现场标本一样,日本的深海挑战者以令人难以置信的深度收集了这个令人惊叹的Anthias标本……


伪sp。4is an undescribed anthias from Palau and parts of Micronesia. Aptly called the double-bar anthias, the spectacular specimen possesses two vertical bars on it’s predominantly pink body. The fish is apparently not uncommon in the reefs of Palau…


伪造的Sheni是一个华丽的,几乎是Pseudanthias pleurotaenia或Square spore spot anthias的doppelgänger。与后者不同,沉的arnthias的色彩更加柔和,白色的阴影更多。Sheni的尾鳍相对…


[youtube width =“ 680”高=“ 400”] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Htrbddfnc8 [/youtube] Pseudanthias Pripitera是一种令人惊叹的中等大小的深层anthias,cook from cook from cook from cook from cook from an岛屿。有时,当像这些精致的私人礁石一样华丽的礁鱼将世界一半的人送往水族馆中心时,…

pseudanthias calloura在帕劳(Palau)以及官方描述之前记录

伪造卡洛拉(Calloura)是近年来水族基金会众所周知的一种奇妙物种。华丽的Serranid也被称为Aurora anthias,是镉橙色和薰衣草的五颜六色的混合物。P. Calloura是一种中部太平洋,……

来自马歇尔群岛的假性cf ventralis很可能是一个独立的物种

The variations of Pseudanthias ventralis may very well one day be described as separate species from the original Cook Islands type. The most commonly seen of these variants are the ones hailing from the Marshall Islands. Males from this area typically…

giganthias serratospinosus是来自印度尼西亚伦波克的新anthias

Giganthias Serratospinosus是威廉·怀特(William White)和佛法(Dharmadi)的伦波克(Lombok),印度尼西亚伦波克(Lombok)的一种全新物种。Giganthias曾经是一个单型属,只有一个成员G. immaculatus,直到现在。G. immaculatus的范围…

Odontanthias Hensleyi是加勒比海属的第一批该属的物种,波多黎各

大约一年前发现的波多黎各的odontanthias被正式描述为Odontanthias Hensleyi。新的Odontanthias Hensleyi最初是由波多黎各西部海岸的一些深海渔民和随后的整体型发现的……

Rabaulichthys Squirei是从珊瑚海描述的新型Sailfin Anthias

The Coral Sea sailfin anthias shipping from Australia has just been described as Rabaulichthys squirei by John Randall in the journal Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. The Coral Sea sailfin anthias is in the same Rabaulichthys genus as the sailfin anthias from…