Rare fish collector Rob Lower dies of dive-related injuries

Rob Lower was a marine ornamental fish collector who specialized in finding and catching many rare Hawaiian endemic reef fish, many of which were only accessible by diving to the limits. Over the last few years Mr. Lower was one…

Blue Harbor’s incredible rare fish menagerie on captured on video

Every time we see something new from Japan’s Blue Harbor, we want to grab the passport and jump on a plane to check out this place in person. Reef Builders’ own Taka Kamata shared this link with us of some…

Nest of rare chain cat shark eggs fished up from over 800ft deep

Justin Perlow is a rare fish enthusiast who previously shared with us his yellow anthias and orange-margin butterflyfish. This time J-dog is back with an awesome story of how he came to own possibly one of the coolest, aquarium-suitable sharks…