汉娜(Hanna)的海洋碱度检查器,价格为$ 49.50

损害a Instruments which makes great products like Hanna Checkers is getting official with their new Marine Alkalinity checker. If you haven’t yet realized , this is going to be so awesome. We can’t tell you how many times we’ve squinted…


损害a Instruments, the company responsible for the popular line of Hanna Checkers has just released their Marine Alkalinity in the wild for pre-orders. This means of course that for those of you testing Alkalinity the old fashioned way you will…



更多的Hanna Checkers开发:镁,盐度和氨

Hanna Instruments不满足于仅在Hanna Checkers系列中添加碱度,钙和硝酸盐。该公司的总裁让他们确实正在从事镁,盐度,氨以及钙和碱度,我们……

Hanna Checker Colilimeters将在碱度,钙和硝酸盐中提供

Hanna仪器流行的“ Hanna Checker”色素线将设置为扩展到其他水参数。汉娜·仪器(Hanna Instruments)主席马丁诺(Martino)在礁石论坛上吹捧“碱度,钙和硝酸盐”正在做出可能……


损害a Instruments added another great product to its small and simple “Checker” line of products with its Phosphorus Ultra Low Range Checker. The new model, HI 736, is similar to the previously released HI 713 Phoshate Checker except taking the…



损害a Instruments new PO4 checker phosphate colorimeter

Hanna Instruments发布了一种新的磷酸盐检查器比色谱仪,这应该使您更容易检查水参数或至少磷酸盐。新的磷酸盐比色计的分辨率为0.01 ppm(250点)和4%±0.04…

Hanna Instruments数字折光仪,补偿礁石水族馆的温度

The new digital refractometer from Hanna Instruments is one svelte and highly accurate new electronic machine for testing the salinity of seawater. The $200 device is bileld as scientific and research grade: it may be overkill for many hobbyists but…

汉娜硝酸盐光度计仅发布了$ 179!MSRP
