Cooper the sterling Siganus is the new Silver Fox in town

Move aside Casper. Cooper’s the new silver fox in town and he’s giving the real Anderson Cooper a run for his money. Off-coloured piebald aberrations are uncommon, but can be seen from time to time especially in certain genera of fish.…

No need for costumes, I’m already halloweeny

The pumpkin’s been carved, the candy laid out. Your dogs and cats are probably decked in a casper costume and your daughter, as princess Anna or Elsa. But hey, what about your fish? They don’t look very scary. Sure most super…

Turbinaria heronensis——一个令人难以置信的软木的故事al comeback

I’ve been personally fascinated with Turbinaria heronensis ever since the first time I saw one in a book, but never could I have believed that I would ever get my hands on a whole colony of this fantastic species. Looking more…

Ghostly white triggerfish could be rarer than albino mutation

The Ghostly White triggerfish currently listed on Just Rare Fish is truly one of a kind, but also greatly over valued. Having been in captivity for four months, this beautiful white-bodied triggerfish has retained a bold coloration that is even…

令人难以置信的黄色的triggerfish makes its way to Elos Aquastudio New York

Xanthic Undulated Triggerfish have been firmly lodged in our minds ever since FAMA featured one on their front cover in the nineties. Anyone remember the title story “Melekeok’s Golden Triggerfish”? Although that initial xanthic Balistapus undulatus was from Palau, every few…

Ghostly scopas tang shows aberration of both skin and eyes

A newly caught Zebrasoma scopas in Singapore is showing some ghostly resemblance to the infamous white-yellow tang, Casper. While not nearly as stark white as his cousin Casper, this new white Zebrasoma character started out nearly completely white with hints of…

Purple Purple Tang and White-barred Asfur Angelfish are not your average Red Sea imports

For quite some time now the Hawaiian Yellow Tangs and Scopas Tangs have been hogging the limelight in the aberrant department for Zebrasoma surgeonfishes. Piebald yellow tangs, tricolor Scopas tangs and even pure white yellow tangs with fancy super-hero names given!…

Ghost Foxface discovered with no colors besides black and white

The picture you’ve seen here is not a silhouette or created by Photoshop, but it is a real portrait of an aberrant version of Magnificent Foxface (Siganus magnificus) that is only black and white. The normal coloration of this species…

A piebald yellow tang appears, shows no end to the abnormally colored surgeonfish

We’ve gotten wind of another mutant Zebrasoma, this time it’s not a nearly solid white yellow tang like Casper or Powder but a much larger specimen with really bold white and yellow markings. The piebald yellow tang was acquired by…

Another white yellow tang collected in Hawaii, codename: Powder

The white yellow tang pictured above is a newly collected aberrantly colored Zebrasoma which we are codenaming ‘Powder’. Casper the white tang has been a sensation and the trophy fish of World Wide Corals since he was collected. However…