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Eunice worms, the strangest of pets

When I got into the hobby, I spent hours pouring over forums, websites, magazines and books arming myself with as much information as possible. One of the things that scared me the most was live rock hitchhikers. From aiptasia to…

新水母水母水族馆是光滑的,特别的ized display

We have always been fascinated by jellyfish and their simple, pulsing beauty is just mesmerizing so when we see a jellyfish aquarium, our interest is definitely piqued. The new Aurelia Jellyfish Aquarium by Reef Eden International is definitely eye catching…

This Reef Kid knows way more about alkalinity than you do

So you think you know sumthin’ sumthin’ about alkalinity? Meet George. George can school you on alkalinity in about 20 seconds flat. Even if this reef kid did just look a bunch of this stuff up on Wikipedia, George does a…

Creatures of the Lembeh Strait

Howard Hall is a well known name in underwater cinematography. He and his wife have won numerous Emmys and produced fine films for National Geographic and PBS Nature. Fortunately for us, they also have a vimeo channel that you can…

Fluorescence is discovered to be widespread in marine fish

Five years after it was revealed that fishes from the Red Sea fluoresce red, new research in the ocean and in the aquarium has revealed that lots and lots of marine fish fluoresce all kinds of different colors. 180 species…

Old SCWD video shows us how aquarium marketing used to look

Every now and then we are gripped by a twinge of longing for the good old days of reef aquarium keeping and questionably useful reef gear. Top among the devices that come to mind is the venerable SCWD, pronounced “squid”,…

Video of Melibe colemani documents this impossible-looking animal

When we first wrote about the description of the incredible looking Melibe colemani, we couldn’t wrap our heads around the appearance of this extraordinary nudibranch. Still images of Melibe colemani look like a strange mass of thin pasta threads just coagulated…

The trailer for the “Nature’s Aquarium” DVD is a must-watch

This trailer for Oceans: Nature’s Aquariums is an impeccable representation of how calming and peaceful the ocean can be, and why we love our aquariums so much. Despite being only eight minutes long, the trailer can whisk you away to a…

Friday Smorgasbord: Old seas, strange fish and 3D maps

It’s Friday and here is another edition of our weekly smorgasbord of weird, wacky and interesting. Starting off is the discovery of a 100-million-year-old ocean found under the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia. US Geological Survey (USGS) hydrologists drilling discovered what…

Omega Sea gets new website, tells better product story

Omega Sea has recently launched a new website focusing on sharing the story about its fresh seafood ingredients it uses in its products. We appreciate brands being more transparent and telling a larger story and Omega Sea hits this on…