
Video Recap of our best 2017 YouTube Highlights

While ramping up the filming last year for our YouTube channel a ton of video clips were produced. These included coral closeups, neat fish, incredible reef tanks, and plenty of underwater footage of natural reefs that I’ve just started wading through. …

Feeding WILD Corals on the Reefs of Papua New Guinea

It cannot be overstated enough that in addition to providing a good physical and chemical environment for our corals, the most important thing we can do to keep healthy corals is properly feeding them. When diving a wild coral reef…

Biointeractive Animates Coral Bleaching To A Molecular Level

Coral Bleaching Animation We can across this short animation on YouTube that perfectly illustrates the process of coral bleaching down to a molecular level. If you’re trying to explain coral bleaching or even teaching this concept in a science class,…

Sunfire Grafted Cap Has Even Brighter Colored Polyps!

Grafted Corals, or ‘GFP Infections’ are among some of the most interesting and bizarre coral ‘strains’ available to us in the aquarium hobby. The phenomenon has been documented in a wide variety of corals, most often in small polyp stony…

Must-Watch: Full Video Tour of Visit To Jason Fox Signature Corals

Visiting Jason Fox at home in Maryland has been on my ‘Biofreak Bucket List’ ever since his name became synonymous with new and exciting corals. Finally this summer I made the drive especially to see his sprawling tanks, delicious corals,…

First Trailer For Jason Fox Mini-Documentary Video

We know it’s been a long wait since we first went to Jason Fox’s house but trust us, the video will be well worth the wait. With so many tanks to feature and so many shots captured, it’s taken an…

Unboxing Frags Rescued From The Path Of Hurricane Irma

Last week it seemed like a hurricane of biblical proportions was going to descend on Florida and ravage everyone, everything, and every aquarium in sight. Thankfully it seems like Irma weakened just enough before it hit major urban centers in…

Adorable Video Perfectly Illustrates The Life Of A Coral

We came across this adorable video from Honolulu Civil Beat Inc which perfectly illustrated the life of a coral. While it may be second nature to aquarist why corals are important, and how they reproduce, there are still people who see corals…

The MACNA 2017 Video Tour Part 4

It’s hard to believe that MACNA 2017 has already come and gone – having missed a day due to illness I really felt the importance of having MACNA be a three day show, and I personally could stand to hang…

I’m Dying For A Xmas Tree Worm Rock Like This

Ever since I started in the hobby in the mid 90s, Xmas Tree worm rocks, coco worms and feather dusters have been among some of the most fascinating non-coral animals for a reef tank. The popularity of Xmas Tree worm…