
Nudis and slugs get a second edition

After such a successful run with the initial run, there is now a second edition of the book “Nudibranch and Sea Slug Identification: Indo-Pacific” available for purchase from the team at Fish ID. The initial book by Terrence Gosliner, Ángel…

Friday Smorgasbord: HSP20 edition

We’re back for our pre-Thanksgiving installment of our Friday Smorgasbord. We’re almost done with the year and settling in for winter weather and the rush of holidays (hard to believe!). Without further ado, on with the Smorgs! Finally! Some Good…

Cyano being tapped as alternitive energy source

Cyanbacteria的克星many reefers and at some point most of us have run into the dreaded “red slime“. But cyanobacteria also has the potential to be used in the future to provide an alternative source of electricity…

Friday Smorgasbord: Octopus Edition

How did we get to November so quick? Welcome to another edition of the Friday Smorgasbord where we explore the amazing octopus. We have plenty of fun videos to satisfy your cephalopod cravings. 1,000 Octopus and Counting We may have…

Friday Smorgasbord: Winter is coming edition

As the temperatures drop we start thinking about ways to keep our tanks warm, but doesn’t it just seem like yesterday when we were thinking about ways to keep them cool??? As we contemplate this, we bring you our next…

Friday Smorgasbord: Boo! Edition

我们有一些有趣的视频为你的周末enjoyment. From aggressive seals to critters that are perfect inspiration for a creepy Halloween tale! Take That! In case you haven’t seen this one, check out this kayaker that gets slapped…

‘Spider’ Frame Technique Proven To Help Restore Coral Reefs

A study published in the journal Restoration Ecology has shown that degraded reef habitats can be rehabilitated over large scales using a spider frame technique. These frames are relatively inexpensive to build, and light enough to easily transport and install on…

Friday Smorgasbord: We got crabs edition

Hard to believe this is the last Friday Smorgasbord of the summer. Before we break into our horrible karaoke version of “Summer Nights” from Grease, we’ll just pass the baton to our latest Friday Smorgasbord full of crabs…. Take off…

Friday Smorgasbord: Sharks, fish and salt

How did we get to September already? It is hard to believe the year is 3/4 of the way done! Here’s a few interesting stories we found on the web this past week. We also wish the best for our reefing…

Coral Restoration Foundation Massive Caribbean Coral Gene Bank

Coral Gene Bank The Coral Restoration Foundation™ is building a massive Caribbean coral gene bank along the coasts of southern Florida. The underwater haven for corals currently holds 303 coral genotypes across 10 species, including the massive reef-building corals Orbicella faveolata,…