yellow tang

Captive bred yellow tangs inching closer to reality

Captive bred yellow tangs seems to always be just one or two years away, even though the Oceanic Institute has been hard at work to crack the code for about ten years now. Spawning surgeonfish in captivity is relatively simple but…

Hawaii removes ban on aquarium collection in proposed bill

夏威夷的中心legislation that would ban aquarium collection. Last week, the House Committee on Ocean, Marine Resources and Hawaiian Affairs approved a revised House Bill 873 which initially called for a ban on the industry…

Wayne’s Ocean World scores a sweet white-face yellow tang


Yellow tang ‘Breeding Barrier’ is under attack


Yellow tang seems to enjoy swimming upside down (video)

Video of a yellow tang happily swimming upside down; if we said nothing else but showed you the video, this would make your day. But we feel a little context is in order. May we present to you, not the rarest…

Piebald Zebrasoma and a smiling Koran Angelfish shows up at US wholesalers

Aberrations are amongst some of nature’s most wonderful surprises and few more so than the piebald yellow tang. The spectacular specimen brought in by Quality Marine is a fine example of how variable these piebald Zebrasoma tangs can be. No…

A piebald yellow tang appears, shows no end to the abnormally colored surgeonfish

We’ve gotten wind of another mutant Zebrasoma, this time it’s not a nearly solid white yellow tang like Casper or Powder but a much larger specimen with really bold white and yellow markings. The piebald yellow tang was acquired by…

Another white yellow tang collected in Hawaii, codename: Powder

The white yellow tang pictured above is a newly collected aberrantly colored Zebrasoma which we are codenaming ‘Powder’. Casper the white tang has been a sensation and the trophy fish of World Wide Corals since he was collected. However…

Captive Bred Yellow Tangs? Not quite yet…

For nothing short of years, there have been rumors of captive-bred tangs permeating hobbyist chatter. Most of these rumors are fueled by the collection of small Regal Tangs (Paracanthrus hepatus) and a general misunderstanding of what “tank raised” means (quite…

Ghost Tang at World Wide Corals is a white-colored yellow tang treasure

We’ve heard of white yellow tangs being spotted in the wild before but this is the first we’ve seen of a completely ghost white yellow tang being captured for the aquarium trade. World Wide Corals just received an all white…