

Bali Aquarich成功地饲养并饲养了Flagfin Ganselfish,Apolemichthys trimaculatus。经过多年在海洋缠身的圈养繁殖空间中停滞不前,Wen-Ping Su和Bali Aquarich先生在这条小径上如此迅速,几乎…………

Bali Aquarich与圈养的Holacanthus Passer添加了另一只羽毛

Su Wen-Ping是该行业中真正的黑马,真正值得他为他所做的工作获得巨大的鼓掌和赞誉。Bali Aquarich的所有者兼创始人Su先生和他的公司以高价闻名…

标准的3桶日落摩卡小丑鱼 - 一种混合背部杂交,为桌子带来了不同的父母贡献。

如果有人想知道海洋水族馆世界的真正孔雀鱼是什么,那是小丑鱼,特别是A. Percula,A。Percula,Darwin Black以及发现和/或创建的所有无数变化。…的结合


The fish in our aquariums rely solely on us to meet their dietary needs, and their long-term health and well-being are sure to suffer if we aren’t careful to provide foods in the proper amounts and of the appropriate nutritional…

Fisheye水产养殖的圈养猪鱼 - 可商购

Captive breeding continues to grow in many ways, and one of the newest barometers of captive-breeding influence might be the amount of pelagic-spawning marine fishes becoming routinely commercially available. Fisheye’s Jonathan Foster really hits this point home, stating that here in the…

ORA答案Kamohara Fang Blenny个人广告

从技术上讲,ORA成功地繁殖了2014年秋天的日本贸易贸易Kamohara fang Blenny,但除了在Facebook上的偶然提及的成功之外,他们坐着并等待了这一令人惊叹的除世界…

巴厘岛Aquarich的最新杂种“ Citron”小丑鱼。
Citron小丑鱼 - Bali Aquarich的新型Genereric Hybrid Anemonefish

A very interesting clownfish was recently brought to my attention by MJ Jones, who saw the fish labeled as “CF217X” at east coast wholesaler Carolina Aquatics, asking what I thought it was. Anyone who has become enthralled with the Anemonefish produced…





ORA claims a house-first with the Hector's Goby, Koumansetta hectori
ORA’s Hector’s Goby – A Breeding First That Isn’t, But Is

周二,奥拉(Ora)宣布了他们最新的内部成就,即赫克托(Hector)的戈比(Goby)Koumansetta Hectori的成功产卵和饲养。问问自己,您最后一次看到俘虏的赫克托的哥比是什么时候?你还没有。但这是一个物种吗?奥拉相信…