
The Peppermint Angelfish at LiveAquaria


Cuteness Overload while Touring Bali Aquarich

由于我住在巴厘岛,距离世界上最好的观赏海洋饲养员只有三个小时的车程,因此我可以定期拜访他。Wen-Ping Su先生一直在打破所有与水族馆有关的消息……

New Multibar Venustus Hybrid Angelfish Has the Most Radical Pattern Ever

There’s a new specimen of a hybrid of multibar and venustus angelfish and this one’s a doozy. Recently collected in the Philippines by RVS Fishworld, this is one of the most beautiful specimens of this very rare cross that we’ve…

Tantalizing Video Clip Of A Luscious Peppermint Angelfish

The Peppermint Angelfish is the undisputed holy grail of rare and exotic reef fish. We’ve written at length about what makes Paracentropyge boylei special, and every account of this species both in the wild, and in the aquarium world. Since it’s…

Leopard Multibar Angelfish is now in the best of hands

From where we’re standing, the Leopard Multibar Angelfish that was collected in Vanuatu about a month ago is just about one of the most sensational aberrant marine angelfish we’ve ever seen. This one of a kind fish could have gone…

Destination Tokyo, the final frontier

In all the years as a fish writer, nothing has been more rewarding to me than travelling the world and seeing new things. The relationships that i’ve forged with people throughout my time is something that can never be taken away, and…

薄荷的神仙鱼那t won the world over

Despite the Peppermint Angelfish’s (Paracentropyge boylei) recent meteoric debut in the mainstream aquarium trade, it’s status as an iconic book fish has hardly been relinquished. Familiarity has not made us jaded with the clinquant beauty of this incredible species. In fact, it’s a…

High-yellow Venustus angelfish looks great in high frame rate video

Thanks to this lovely, lengthy study on the variations of Paracentropyge venusta, we know that there is an interesting degree of variation of color in the purple masked angelfish. The video we are sharing with you today is a quickie…

Variations and forms of Paracentropyge venusta

Paracentropyge is a small genus with three species. Over the years, the placement of P. venusta as well as P. multifasciata have been in rather constant shuffle, moving back and forth between this as well as Centropyge. Allen and Erdmann’s…

Behind the face of LiveAquaria – Kevin Kohen’s fish collection part 1

任何值得他盐的盐水爱好者,或者不生活在岩石之下,肯定会知道liveaquaria。在这次Macna之旅中,我们设法访问了他们的设施,并赶上了公司背后的人Kevin Kohen。看到我们已经涵盖了...