
The Quest to Create an Enormous School of Golden Sweepers

Aquamarine Fukushima, Japan, 2008: While doing a pre-tour before the Shanghai 7th IAC (International Aquarium Congress), we discovered a fascinating biotope aquarium, in which a school of several thousand of golden sweepers were swimming. Ten years and a tsunami later,…

Marineland Antibes Successfully Rears Spotfin Anthias

The Antibes Marineland scored another captive breeding success, successfully raising the common and popular Pseudanthias squamipinnis, also known as the spotfin anthias. This achievement wasn’t the first time that the spotfin anthias was successfully raised, the Long Island Aquarium raised…

France Oceanopolis, produces Ostorhinchus chrysopomus, the Spotted-Gill Cardinalfish

The Spotted-Gill Cardinalfish, Ostorhinchus chrysopomus, is not the most sexy, exotic fish for us Reef Tank Keepers. But I will disagree with this statement for few reasons: cardinalfish are nocturnal and live in schools, so they are a very attractive…