
Captive-Bred jackknife fish,qualetus lanceolatus,由proaquatix推出。

2015年6月16日,Proaquatix正式发布了他们已成功生成并饲养杰克·兰苏斯(Equetus Lanceolatum)的新闻(参见本文末尾的新闻稿和附加图像)。这不是一个物种首先;杰克刀的俘虏是......

Mocha Frostbite Clownfish  - 一种新的混合和遗传组合已有可用。
Mocha Frostbite Clownfish是最新的设计师混合动力车之一

clowfishdepot.com已开始提供设计师混合小丑鱼,Mocha Frostbite的最新排列之一。它没有采取火箭科学来创造这种新的变化。在其核心,摩卡杂交机已经过分了十多年来,是......

Halichoeres Melanurus,植物饲养和在这里显示,完全落户和少年着色,在孵化后36天。

如图所示,Halichoeres Melanurus,植入型和在此显示,完全落户和少年着色,在孵化后36天。回到2月中旬,凯文·贝加滕,目前正在上涨的潮汐保护计划的成员,在热带水产养殖工作......

安静的是Ecotech Marine的新泵技术

Ecotech Marine很可能会使用尚未透露的新泵技术在未来几个月内推出新一代Vortech泵。根据我们挖出的信息和其他标志指向的......

Bali Aquarich最新,新的Hybrid“Citron”小丑鱼。
Citron Clownfish-Bali Aquarich的新的互通杂种Anemonefish

A very interesting clownfish was recently brought to my attention by MJ Jones, who saw the fish labeled as “CF217X” at east coast wholesaler Carolina Aquatics, asking what I thought it was. Anyone who has become enthralled with the Anemonefish produced…

The first documented spawning of F1 Lightning X Lightning Maroon Clownfish, on October 3rd, 2014.
闪电X闪电栗色小丑鱼 - 初步结果在!


break: Petco is planning to buy Drs. Foster & Smith, including LiveAquaria


USFWS Los Angeles: We are now advising the trade of coming ESA listings



Update: 9/16/14 4:15PM CT Waiting on a call back from the Office of External Affairs regarding the validity of it being an honest mistake. Update 2: USFWS Los Angeles: We are now advising the trade of coming ESA listings We…


这是根据一份来自国家3月ine Fisheries Service that Clownfish (Percula) may warrant protection under the U.S. Endangered Species Act because of threats from global warming and ocean acidification. The service will now conduct a status review…