Joost de Vries
309 Articles 0 Comments

GHL ProfiLux controllers soon webcam compatible

GHL is almost ready to release their ProfiLux 5.16 firmware update, with which they intend to add webcam support, along with better browser compatibility. Although the update is currently still in beta, you’ll soon be able to connect with your…

来自英国的Ratters Reef是218加仑令人惊叹的珊瑚

We absolutely love large corals, which Ratters Reef definitely had going for it. But beside the gigantic corals we also love the fact that the reef was so grown in. This is not one of those reef systems where the…

Vertex magnet cleaner Hexaplex brings style to large magnet scrubbers

就像Vertex Aquaristik的其他磁铁配件一样,顶点六角形磁铁清洁器为您以前可能没有认为视觉吸引人的东西带来了一些严肃的课程。从本质上讲,顶点六角形是清洁磁铁的哥哥…

Paracentropyge multifasciatus x P. venustus hybrid is just dead drop gorgeous

This Paracentropyge multifasciatus x Paracentropyge venustus hybrid is one of those rare fish that should get even people not into rare fish crave extremely excited. It is really just a stunning beauty of nature. The pictures alone of which might…

Reef Angel Rope Leak Detector takes cable approach to water detection

It looks like Reef Angel is still not at the ‘end of the rope’ with releasing new expansion modules unveiling the a leak detector recently. So next time there is a leak or the skimmer overflows you don’t need to…


There are many different DC water pumps on the market — Waveline, Speedline, Diablo, Jebao, Boyu, and of course Royal Exclusiv are just the few of the ones on the market today. With so many companies producing pumps, some companies…

Reef Angel soon playing nice with Speedline, Jeabo, and Diablo DC pumps

We recently covered Reef Angel’s integration with the Jebao WP-40 powerheads and now the Reef Angel will also play nice with the Speedline, Jeabo and Diablo DC pumps. Interestingly nothing had to be changed from the Jebao waveline pumps, as the…

One spot occelaris a unique new fish released by Marine Reef Solutions

There already is a fair share of designer clownfish on the market but that hasn’t stopped breeders from continuing experimenting with different varieties, and refining old ones. The latest hybrid freak clownfish from Marine Reef Solutions, located in Malaysia, are actually…

RTN even happens to the best of the aquarium hobby

对与错,快速组织坏死(或RTN)经常被视为新手错误 - 这是不好的畜牧业的标志和不良决定的迹象。具有讽刺意味的是,这是一种缺乏经验的观点…

Underwater video of ReefNatura showtank in Portugal is a sight to behold [VIDEO]

ReefNatura is a popular livestock and dry goods retailer located in Setubal, Portugal, with a seriously cool show tank. Maintained and designed by the store’s owner Ricardo Santos, a hardcore reef keeper like ourselves, the tank is definitely a sight…