Wild hybrid Chaetodon from Aqua Terra looks like an inverted wrought iron butterflyfish

Hybrids in the butterflyfish realm are few and far between, but if there ever were to be a gang of promiscuous species, it would definitely be the members of the pearlscale butterflyfishes, otherwise known as the Xanthurus complex. The Xanthurus…

Armitage Angelfish and Juvenile wrought iron butterflyfish co-star in the house of Fins SPLASH event

Armitage angelfish and baby wrought iron butterflyfish may not be as rare as the luscious neon hogfish, but they still shared the rare fish spotlight at last weekend’s SPLASH event at House of Fins, in Greenwich CT. They may not…

Beautiful pair of wrought iron butterflyfish caught on video

[youtube width=”670″ height=”425″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8H8jd_4NKL8[/youtube] Wrought Iron butterflyfish are unique among the Chaetodon for their black coloration, strong schooling behavior but most of all they just look totally freakin cool. Furthermore, their subtropical distribution in the waters around Japan means that these…

LiveAquaria’s show sized wrought iron butterflyfish

Chaetodon daedalma has been and always will be one of the most striking and unique butterflyfish in the world. This Japanese endemic grows very large, it has striking presence in the aquarium, they have a vigorous appetite and a personality…

Pearl of The Orient: Mr Wong’s butterflyfish collection

When it comes to the rare fish game, there are only two players that immediately come to mind. Hong Kong and Japan. Together these two are undeniably the largest absorbers of rare fish, and have been consistently spitting out amazing specimens…

Raccoon X Panda butterflyfish cross makes for one dreamy looking hybrid

Raccoon butterflyfish are one of the commonest species of Chaetodon in aquariums, while Panda butterflfyfish, Chaetodon adiergastos are very seldom kept in captive aquariums. You can gather how exciting then, it was to discover this stunning cross of raccoon and…

Chaetodon xanthurus X C. guentheri is odd, even for a hybrid butterflyfish

When the topic of hybrid butterflyfishes gets brought up, almost certainly does the discussion revolve around the Roaps subgenus and their related hybrids. In the past year or two, we’ve seen several magnificent hybrids from this group emerging from the…

Hundreds of Chaetodon daedalma form an awesome wrought iron ball

We might think of some reef fish as being rare but this video of a huge school of wrought iron butterflyfish shows how locally common some fish species can be. While most aquarist would be content to see even one…

Japan is Sourcing Some Big Juicy Yellow Tangs from Ogasawara

If you’ve been wondering where all the big, vivid yellow tangs have gone the answer is that they’re still in the wild, most of us simply can’t get them since Hawaii shut down collection and exports from their waters. But…

Come See Our 3 Amazing Speakers at ReefStock Denver

ReefStock is a different kind of aquarium conference where we’ve always put strong emphasis on having a well rounded reef show and one thing we never skimp on is the caliber of our speakers. We’ve welcomed so many great aquarium…