The elusive and illusory Synchiropus circularis shows up at Bali Aquarium

Synchiropus is an immaculate genus famed for the unorthodox juxtaposition between cute and freaky. Their martian like faces with huge bulging eyes and pursed lips coupled with their undulating fin movements make for a highly peculiar animal. In the aquarium context,…

It looks as though Synchiropus circularis and S. splendidus are intentionally hybridising in the wild

The mandarins and scooters in the genus Synchiropus are among some of the most endearing and staple favourites in the aquarium hobby. Mandarins are especially colourful, and their crawling like behaviour coupled with their unorthodox appearance makes for some of…

Synchiropus circularis is the first gem of a reef fish pulled up by CAS in the Philippines

Synchiropus circularis is one of those “book fish” that we have admired in pictures and from a distance, never really expecting any fresh specimens to be documented by our colleagues. The circled dragonet is so rare, it doesn’t really have…

Circled Dragonet Collected for the First Time in 6 Years

The circled dragonet is a very unique species of tropical reef fish that has the distinction of being one of the rarest species of this group which is rarely seen by divers, and more seldomly collected in the aquarium hobby.…

California Academy of Sciences dive team is scoring big in the depths of the Philippines

After what has been a lengthy period of preparation, scouting and diving, the California Academy of Sciences’ expedition to the Philippines is beginning to yield a nice catch of truly exotic deep reef fish. The first notable catch of the…

Oxymonacanthus halli: LiveAquaria’s offers the Red Sea harlequin filefish

LiveAquaria produced and delivered, a fully conditioned specimen of the Red Sea “Harlequin” Filefish, Oxymonacanthus halli. I cook dinner for my wife and son, go run some errands, and come home to a Facebook posting from Dr. Matt Wittenrich, waving…

M博士atthew L. Wittenrich successfully breeds the rare Lancer Dragonet

MACNA attendees always get something special they may get nowhere else. This time around, Dr. Matthew L. Wittenrich (Dr. Witt for short) developed one of the most modern and progressive-minded presentations I’ve seen, and he did it exclusively for MACNA…