Awesome Video of Harlequin Goldie, Pseudanthias connelli, In Private Aquarium

The Harlequin Goldie, Pseudanthias connelli, is one of the most wildly patterned anthias species. Coming from only the Southwest Indian Ocean the harlequin goldie is primarily an endemic of South African waters, and very rarely seen outside of the country. These…

South African Harlequin Goldies, Pseudanthias connelli available for the first time

The Harlequin Goldie, Pseudanthias connelli is an iconic member of the underwater marine aquarium community in its native range of South Africa. A member of the widely distributed Pseudanthias genus, the males of this species sport a dramatically different color and pattern which…

Pseudanthias heemstrai, the Best Images of Orangehead Anthias We’ve Ever Seen

We would say that Pseudanthias heemstrai is better known as the Orangehead Anthias but truth be told, this fish is so rarely seen let alone photographed that very few divers, naturalists or aquarists have ever even heard of this glorious…

Destination De Jong

There are a handful of fish and coral powerhouses spread around the world in isolation, each with their special niche and prowess responsible for procuring some of the hobby’s most sought after. Most recently on our little tour of Europe,…

The Triton Reef: A full portfolio of this illustrious set up

The precedence of the Triton method and its new unconventional way of reef keeping has increased so tremendously over the recent months that it is quite impossible to sway away from the allure of this new founded principle. While much…

Opulent Osaka Part 1: Makoto Matsuoka’s decade old Prognathodes collection

We just got back from a three day trip to Osaka and if you’re a fish lover, you’re going to want to keep your eyes peeled and attention focused on this page for the next week at least. Japan as…

2014 recap: Top 10 scintillating reef fish stories

2014 is fizzing away by the day and as usual, we’ve recapped our ten favourite reef fish stories for the year. Normally we’d put out our top ten highlights just as the year closes to make sure no surprises pops…