Joculator Angelfish Captive Bred by Bali Aquarich

巴厘岛Aquarich is never short of surprise new fish they have captive bred but Mr. Su and his team have saved a special announcement with their first ever captive bred joculator angelfish. The joculator angel, Centropyge joculator has been bred before…

A fresh crop of joculator angelfish come to the U.S. via Global Reef Supply

The joculator angelfish, Centropyge joculator, is one of the rarest pygmy angelfish in the aquarium trade which is actually available, albeit ever so infrequently. It’s been quite a while since some fresh joculators entered the trade and a fresh batch…

It’s Business Time for a Spawning Pair of Joculator Angelfish, because it’s Wednesday!

[youtube][/youtube] We have a knack around Reef Builders for the newest products, the rarest fish and high caliber videos. The video above represents the last two things that RB does best by bringing you an original video of the twilight…

Rare Fish: Joculator Angelfish, Centropyge joculator

Yey First! The first gratuitous rare fish post of the year is of this darling juvenile joculator angelfish. This species originates from a very small range of islands in the western Indian Ocean called the Cocos-Keeling Islands. This region is…

Hotumatua Angelfish Glows in New In-Situ Photograph

The Hotumatua angelfish, Centropyge hotumatua, is a gorgeous species of pygmy angelfish that was once somewhat available in the aquarium hobby, but it has been all but absent for at least fifteen years. The reason for their absence is due to…

The Bali Aquarich Nebula Angelfish is a Really Cute Fish

It’s been a while, and since we were visiting Bali Aquarich, we thought we would take some few pictures of the bigger specimen of Nebula angelfish, we talk about a couple months ago. We thought we’d give you an update…

最好的视频Centropygenahackyi Ever!

Centropyge nahackyi is a gorgeous colorful pygmy angelfish from the central Pacific Ocean that is rarely seen by aquarists or divers since it lives mostly outside the ranges of where people visit natural coral reefs. The Nahacky angelfish has a…

Hybrid Asfur Angelfish is the Latest WOW Fish from Bali Aquarich

The asfur angelfish, Pomacanthus asfur, is a very recognizable species from the Red Sea and a limited range around the northwest Indian Ocean. This species has been bred in Asia for many years giving rise to a variant with a…

巴厘岛Aquarich Creates Two New hybrid Angelfish!

In our recent visit to Bali aquarich, we were greeted again with two new hybrid varieties of pygmy Angelfish. It looks like this place is an hybrid factory, every month comes with its share of new fish. Since Mr Su…

Update on the Mysterious ‘Zebra Tang’ from Bali Aquarich

Several weeks ago we were reported on a mysterious ‘Zebra Tang’ hybrid that came out of Mr Su farm. News from the Mysterious Zebra Tang: Last weekend we returned to Bali Aquarich to check on this fish again, and we…