
巴厘岛水族馆刚刚发布了一张真正奇妙的Euphyllia Coral的照片。触角是锤子珊瑚,euphyllia ancora的完美融合,和蛙spawn珊瑚euphyllia divisa,在某些分支的euphyllia中看到的并不罕见,…

混合雷夫洛泵可启用飞镖刺或锤头 - 巴拉库达转换


东澳大利亚Reefstock,East vs。西海岸版

在几代珊瑚礁饲养者中,几乎没有比无与伦比的锤子珊瑚珊瑚珊瑚,叶毛酸膜法植物,在印度太平洋的大伸展上都有丰富的珊瑚。多年来,我们寻求F. ancora的绿色标本,我们集体喘着粗气…


Torchspawn, Frammer, Hamspawn and many others are colloquial names for the many different ways that Euphyllia corals are known to hybridize and interbreed. Some of these are quite remarkable in their appearance that blurs the lines between both parent species,…

Fimbriaphyllia:Hammer,Torch&Frogspawn Corals可能与任何人想象的更不同

Euphyllia Corals是一个非常多样化的群体,这已经不是什么秘密了,看来其中一些物种可能与我们想象的彼此不同。我们看到了…的每种形式范围

This ReefStock Euphyllia is a Ham-Spawn amongst Frammer Corals




CETUS 2 LED提供了低至中灯珊瑚的理想波长

The Cetus 2 is a pendant-style LED by HME Electronics is ideal for small aquariums with low to medium light corals. The Cetus 2 comes with an updated smartphone app (HME AquaMaster) allowing users to customize and select various light…

Kessil AP9X评论和拆箱视频

的Kessil AP9X被嘲笑的last year, and yesterday this exciting light fixture finally went live. Clocking in at 185 watts, $839, and with a unique form factor in the aquarium hobby, this is one…

您是否曾经见过纤维化膜的“ Frammer”珊瑚?

什么是珊瑚珊瑚?这是一种纤维状腹膜,配有锤子和青蛙尖端的触角混合物。最近,Euphyllia组进行了修订,唯一的Euphyllia是Torch,Euphyllia Glabrescens,所有其他前成员都拥有…