王朝的深水洪水系列3:Plectranthias Garrupellus和Gonioplectrus hispanus

这个简短的库拉科安采样的最后系列涉及该地区的两个著名且鲜为人知的锯齿状。Plectranthias Garrupellus和Gonioplectrus hispanus或多或少是周围地区的图标,并且是少数几个…之一。


Fins House of Fins Anniversplash Sale是我们年度分享一个非常罕见的礁鱼的画廊的年度借口。在2015年,臭名昭著的Fins或“ Hof”房屋将庆祝其第58年的业务,以巨大的……



Steinhart Aquarium的加勒比海展览是生物底座的真正现实代表

几组ups真正引起魅力和瞿奇迹ite like those done in a biotope fashion. A biotope refers to an area of uniform environmental conditions which provides a specific niche for a particular set of organisms. Because aquarists are spoilt for choice…

Opulent Osaka part 3: Dr. Shimokobe’s deluge of deepwater treasures

We’ve arrived at our third installation of our Osaka recount and if you’re still following, then thank you, and we hope you’ve enjoyed parts 1 and 2. We visited one of our favourite aquarist in Osaka, and we’ve featured his…


以下是库拉科海水族馆和变电站库拉科岛的居民海洋生物学家乔·奥利弗(Joe Oliver)的来宾贡献。作为水产师(业余爱好者或专业人士),当它到来时,可以选择大量鱼类。

Freshly caught deepwater Atlantic rarities puts the “D” in deep

上图所示的令人敬畏的Lipogramma evides只是最近从库拉科(Curacao)深水出现的众多超级稀有鱼类之一。看似无聊的单色鱼看起来很普通,但不要愚弄。L. evides是…




The Spanish Flag grouper, Gonioplectrus hispanus, is one of the rarest and most colorful groupers in the sea and second only to the Neptune Grouper, Cephalopholis igarashiensis. Due to their deepwater habitat, it’s very rare that spanish flag groupers are…

Crosshatch bass and juvenile spanish flag make their way to the Blue Harbor
