We’ve Never Seen Maxima Clams this Green!

Maxima clams are easily the most variable species of Tridacna which is to be expected for a reef animal that has a natural distribution across more than half of the globe from the Western Indian Ocean all the way to the…

New Research Reveals how to Breed Bigger and More Colorful Crocea Clams

稚鱼蚌是Tr的最小的物种之一idacna, much prized in home reef aquaria since they exhibit a range of colors and patterns which can very greatly in their patterning. At their most basic the boring Tridacna crocea clams…

Corals & Clams Can Only Look Blue Under Daylight Spectrum

I love blue light, you love blue light, we all love blue lights over our aquarium corals, especially all the different shades of blue LEDs that help bring out the fluorescent colors of our favorite coral strains. However with more and…

Giant Clams Can Manipulate Light To Assist Their Symbiotic Partner

Special cells in giant clams shift the wavelength of light to protect them from UV radiation and increase the photosynthetic activity of their symbionts, shows research KAUST. Using special cells, known as iridocytes, the clams can manipulate light via layers…

Giant Clam Poop Could Help Corals Recover from Bleaching!

Last September a study was published taking a close look at giant clam poop, more accurately described as fecal pellets. We previously shared this story but wanted to circle back to it to really drive home one interesting point about…

Red Sea Tridacna Clams Shine Best Under Daylight

Red Sea cams haven’t been in the aquarium hobby for over two decades but at long last, they have begun spreading around Europe through Dejong Marine Life and America via ACI Aquaculture. The three species from the fabled Red Sea…

Giant Clams in the Aquarium, a New Book by James Fatheree

There’s a lot going on in the realm of our favorite reef bivalves, from the newly arrived Red Sea cultured clams, to the revision of Indian Ocean species, and now we even have a new book. Giant Clams in the…

首先培养红海蛤Splashdown at ACI

Red Sea clams include some varieties and color patterns of Tridacna maxima that are at once familiar, but have been unavailable to the aquarium hobby for over two decades. Not only are there some interesting forms of the well known…

How (Hybrid) Tridacna Clams are Made

Spawning and rearing giant clams is an elaborate process that requires a certain degree of knowledge, but thankfully this know-how has been extensively documented and shared around the world. For around forty years small island nations of the Pacific Ocean…

Science Sheds Light on Squamosa x Crocea Clam Hybrids

Hybrid giant clams have been an enigma to the aquarists who seek to understand them in order to better provide for these treasured bivalves. Finally a new research experiment not only confirmed the authenticity of hybrid Tridacna clams – they’ve…