Finding Dory Review: An Aquarist’s Point of View

The long awaited sequel to Disney’s Finding Nemo movie, Finding Dory, finally hit theaters this past weekend and I was thrilled to attend the film on opening weekend. Finding Dory’s producers marketed the heck out of this movie for at least a…

LiveAquaria helps to minimize the ‘Dory effect’

Finding Nemo was a wonderful animated tale that brought our lovable saltwater fish to the masses, and it also brought many people into the hobby hoping to bring a “Nemo” home for their little frags to raise and admire. LiveAquaria…

New Finding Dory trailer reveals much more of the sequel movie


Finding Dory Release Announced—Is a P. hepatus Craze in Our Future?

Well, the word is out that Finding Dory, the long-anticipated sequel to Disney/Pixar’s Finding Nemo, is finally slated for release in June of 2016. If the impact of the sequel is anything like that of the original—a lot of youngsters…


Finding Dory is the highly anticipated sequel to the incredibly popular Finding Nemo movie. After years of waiting to find out what this new movie would be about, we finally have a our first Finding Dory trailer. The Finding Dory…

The real, twisted story behind finding Nemo

Most of us know the unique world of the clownfsih hobbyists, fish geeks and marine biologists. But trying to explain what really would have happened to the lead fish in the animated movie “Finding Nemo” would be very incestuously creepy.…

“Finding Dory” sure to have huge impact on blue hippo tangs, aquarium hobby at large

The blue hippo tang, Parancanthurus hepatus goes by many names which will soon be all but obscured by one, “Dory”. Also known as the blue tang, regal blue tang, pallette or flagtail surgeonfish, thanks to the forthcoming Finding Dory movie…

星期五Smorgasbord:突变的Glowfish流行病,Petco在“ Nemo”护理上发布信息图,轻呕吐,通过耳骨跟踪鱼和海王星的月亮海洋

We have a full slate of tidbits and morsels for this issue of the Friday smorgasbord so let’s get things rocking. First off is the fears that genetically modified Electric Green Tetras may pose a hazard to native species in parts of…

Finding Nemo 2 coming in 2016, will the hobby experience another bump?

Pixar announced last week it will in fact be bringing Finding Nemo 2 to the big screen in 2016. This is pretty exciting news for fans of the original, especially with Finding Nemo 3D hitting the market this fall, and…

Finding Nemo 3D could boost the aquatics industry all over again

Finding Nemo,这部由迪士尼的计算机动画臂Pixar制作的粉碎热门电影正在返回有限的参与度。尽管该节目的几位粉丝想要续集,但迪士尼决定将发现Nemo带回大...