Aquarium Controller

Vertex Cerebra controller maybe, FINALLY, coming to market

The Vertex Cerebra aquarium controller has been the white buffalo of the reef aquarium hobby for what seems like a generation in aquarium years. We first sighted this mythical aquarium computer, based on the Android mobile operating system, six years…

The Raspberry Pi aquarium controller is getting more tempting

A couple of recent advancements from the Raspberry Pi team are making this platform even more enticing for developers around the aquarium. As we wrote back when it launched, the new Raspberry Pi 3 is one heck of a powerful…

Tunze controller and Calcium Reactor join the list of new releases for InterZoo 2016

A Tunze Controller and a new Calcium reactor seem like they’ll be in the cards for big reveals next week. Tunze is playing hard to get leading up to this year’s InterZoo and they are continuing to tease us with tantalizing…

First look at the new MaxSpect Gyre 200 Series Advance Controller

The Gyre 200 Series Advance Controller is an exciting new accessory coming soon from MaxSpect to get the most out of their award-winning Gyre pump. The Maxspect gyre pumps already ship with a pretty capable controller, although its interface and…

Fishbit controller and monitor now available to pre-order

Fishbit is a new company with an innovative new approach to aquarium control and monitoring. Fisbit’s first offerings have been the success story of crowdfunded aquarium products, with two successful KickStarter campaigns under their belts. The first Fishbit Kickstarter delivered a…

Fishbit successfully reaches its Kickstarter funding goals

With just four days left to go, Fishbit has exceeded their crowdfunding goal of nearly $72,000 on Kickstarter. This is a huge success not only for Fishbit but for the future of aquarium controllers and having more and better connected reef…

First look at the new Fishbit Controller & Monitor

Fishbit launched a Kickstarter for the newest version of their Controller and Monitor last week, and they were in Denver for ReefStock to show off what the new machines can do. If you are not familiar with Fishbit, it is…

Why the Raspberry Pi 3 is good for the aquarium hobby

Today’s announcement about the new Raspberry Pi 3 will hopefully have a positive impact on the reef aquarium hobby. What makes this version so special? With built in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, this pint sized computer with hopefully fuel a new…

FishBit: So Easy Even I Can Use It!

Regular Saltwater Smarts visitors are well aware that I’m not exactly what you’d call “tech-savvy” or an “early adopter” when it comes to the latest gadgetry (though I am intrigued by this newfangled doohickey the kids call an “eight-track player”—it’s…

First look at the intriguing new Rossmont Waver aquarium controller

The Rossmont Waver is an interesting new aquarium pump controller which is the first to be able to adjust the flow speed of AC pumps and powerheads. Until now, if you wanted to have controllable water pumps, your only real…